How To Write A Check 405 . There will be a blank space next to or above the word date. remember that a check is a legal document, and the date written here should always be the day that you sign the bottom of the check. The party that receives the check. Writing bad Checks in Oklahoma Jacqui Ford Law Oklahoma City OK from Write the date in the top right corner, next to a box or line that says “date.”. There will be a blank space next to or above the word date. remember that a check is a legal document, and the date written here should always be the day that you sign the bottom of the check. This records when you wrote the check.
How To Write Check No Cents . How to write a check with cents only. You might be writing a check with no cents to be paid. Write a Check with Dollars and Cents Example from How to write a check with cents only. Writing checks might be a dying art, but it's still sometimes necessary and it's a relatively easy process. Write 100 below this line for example for a check.